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Our Team

We are very fortunate at Swallows and Amazons Early Learning Centre (SAA ELC) to have a wonderful team of teachers and teaching assistants who create the early learning environments that enable your children to flourish. My team is incredibly special to me as they really care about emotional well being of the children as well as their developmental goals. All my teachers have a minimum of a diploma in preschool teaching. Most have or are studying for degrees in various areas of early childhood. Their experiences range from teaching in the UK, New Zealand, US and Singapore.
Their first priority is to create a safe, happy, engaging and stimulating learning environment for the children and believe me they do a super job. The early learning environment is a partnership between home and school and my teachers are proactive in communicating with parents so that we know exactly what the parents’ expectations are.

Meet The Team

Jackie Barkham
Jackie Barkham

Rocell Wong
Rocell Wong
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Dhalia Maccullum
Dhalia Maccullum
Jamela Alcantara
Jamela Alcantara

Celine Niu Ling Lao Shi
Celine Niu Ling Lao Shi
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Priya Abhay Tattu
Priya Abhay Tattu
Karen Chuang
Karen Chuang
Wai Shim
Wai Shim
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Angela Zhang
Angela Zhang

Sabrina Rosli
Sabrina Rosli

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